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A Sikh is a follower of Sikhism, a monotheistic religion established in northern India in the 15th century by Guru Nanak.

Sikhs, meaning "learner" or "disciple" in Punjabi, adhere to the teachings of the ten Sikh Gurus, from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh. The religion advocates for the equality of all human beings, meditation on God's name, and sharing with the needy. Sikhs are easily identifiable by their articles of faith, including the five Ks: Kesh (uncut hair), Kara (a steel bracelet), Kanga (a wooden comb), Kaccha (cotton undergarments), and Kirpan (a sword). They are also known for their community engagement, including the practice of Langar, a free community meal offered to all, regardless of religion or social status.