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Term Definition

A lama is a spiritual master and teacher in Tibetan Buddhism, respected for their wisdom and experience in religious practices.

The term "lama" in Tibetan Buddhism refers to a spiritual master or teacher. This title is derived from the Tibetan word "bla-ma," which means "superior" or "high one." Lamas play a crucial role in transmitting Buddhist teachings, leading ritual practices, and overseeing monasteries. They are often seen as spiritual guides who help their disciples progress on the path to enlightenment.

Lamas can be monks, but there are also lay lamas. Among the most well-known lamas are the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, who are figures of spiritual and political authority. Lamas are often chosen for their wisdom, compassion, and deep understanding of Buddhist teachings. In some traditions, they may be recognized as reincarnations of previous masters, a process known as "tulku."

Lamas actively participate in religious ceremonies, meditation rituals, and teachings. They also play a significant role in preserving Tibetan culture and traditions, particularly through cham dances and other cultural practices. Their influence extends beyond monasteries, touching Buddhist communities around the world.